Who we are

26 June 2016


A Worldwide Network of Top Consultancy Firms


Prime Advisory Network is a professional network, comprised of expert accountants, auditors and lawyers qualified to provide a complete consultancy service to companies and groups operating in several industries.
Thanks to a completely innovative communication technology for client management, Prime Advisory Network represents the first “digital” global network of accounting firms in the world.
Professionals can cooperate worldwide with each other in an integrated way, by managing their clients all over the world, expanding their services and growing the number of their customers.
Our network accepts applications only from members who have qualified titles in their country and have been verified by our staff.

The Need

Businesses usually can count on two types of highly specialized professionals in their internationalization process: Lawyers and Chartered Accountants.
Yet, a large part of them don’t have an international network, therefore they lack the means to support their clients who want to invest abroad.

The Research

We found that although professional networks already exist, none of them allows a community of professionals to actually share clients and commissions, with the possibility to assist them all over the world. We also found missing:

1. a way of communicating and sharing documents
2. a tool for members to propose their services globally
3. a payment system allowing professionals to easily collect their fees.

The Solution

We are proud to announce that we created a new, revolutionary way to help professionals to connect with each other, no matter what part of the world they are in. The system is a mixture of:

a) A formal agreement between the members and the Prime Advisory Network, where they commit to deliver their services to the clients. The network only selects the best professionals to collaborate with and manages all payments.
b) A certification and international accreditation system, where every professional is certified based upon his or her qualifying professional title, recognised in their own country, under conditions of equivalence.